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A Long Walk to Water 25-99 $14.25 100-249 $14.00 250-499 $13.65

A Long Walk to Water

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$ 14.25

25-99 $14.25 100-249 $14.00 250-499 $13.65

Product Detail:

Told in a dual narrative, Linda Sue Park’s New York Times best-seller, A Long Walk to Water tells the powerful stories of two eleven-year-olds in Sudan -- one, a girl named Nya in the year 2008, and the other, a boy named Salva, in 1985.

Though the children are close in age, their stories are vastly different. Nya makes the trip to carry water to and from a pond two hours away from her home, while Salva must trek day after day through the harsh desert, a homeless orphan of war, encountering evils from armed rebels to crocodiles along his way.

Despite the generation gap, the two stories become beautifully intertwined by the end of this moving novel.

A Long Walk to Water class set is a must-read for students and educators alike. A great choice for young adult readers, Linda Sue Park’s book offers a wonderful way to learn about history, world culture, and our environmental impact.

This book would fit into a multitude of school courses, from English to Science and even Social Studies. Its historical context and focus on the South Sudan water crisis told through the eyes of two children make A Long Walk to Water the perfect book to buy in bulk for high school classrooms, school districts, and educators.

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