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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Harry Potter has no idea how famous he is. That's because he's being raised by his miserable aunt and uncle who are terrified Harry will learn that he's really a wizard, just as his parents were. But

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

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$ 14.50

Harry Potter has no idea how famous he is. That's because he's being raised by his miserable aunt and uncle who are terrified Harry will learn that he's really a wizard, just as his parents were. But

Product Detail:

Reading Level: 5.5
Interest Level: 5-9
Accelerated Reader: reading level: 5.5 / points: 12.0 / quiz: 26759 / grade: Middle Grades
Reading Counts!: reading level:5.3 / points:16.0 / quiz:Q13011
Lexile: 880L

Minimum order: 25 Copies per Title